Everyone will die in two days

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Everyone will die in two days

Did you know the earth core will heat up due to solar flares from the sun? Its been doing so for the last million years,but now its becoming so dangerous to the point it will melt through the entire earth in two days.....
The biological and geological future of Earth can be extrapolated based upon the estimated effects of several long-term influences. These include the chemistry at Earth's surface, the rate of cooling of the planet's interior, the gravitational interactions with other objects in the Solar System, and a steady increase in the Sun's luminosity. An uncertain factor is the continuous influence of technology introduced by humans, such as climate engineering,[2] which could cause significant changes to the planet.[3][4] The current Holocene extinction[5] is being caused by technology[6] and the effects may last for up to five million years.[7] In turn, technology may result in the extinction of humanity, leaving the planet to gradually return to a slower evolutionary pace resulting solely from long-term natural processes.[8][9]

Over time intervals of hundreds of millions of years, random celestial events pose a global risk to the biosphere, which can result in mass extinctions. These include impacts by comets or asteroids, and the possibility of a massive stellar explosion, called a supernova, within a 100-light-year radius of the Sun. Other large-scale geological events are more predictable. Milankovitch theory predicts that the planet will continue to undergo glacial periods at least until the Quaternary glaciation comes to an end. The luminosity of the Sun will steadily increase, resulting in a rise in the solar radiation reaching Earth,this will heat up the core of earth even more to the point where it melts through the entire planet. Killing everyone in it this theory predicts that this would happen in 4/15/22 which is in two days.
Go say goodbye to everyone because we will all die soon.
Dont believe me thats fine just watch this official video from the government explaining it. https://youtu.be/H53JSXPXPxI

This is a satirical website. Don't take it Seriously. It's a joke.

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