Arrest of No Mercy Admin During Barkley Photoshoot!

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An arrest has been made of No Mercy administrator Melanie Hazer during Saquon Barkley’s ESPN nude photo shoot. Authorities are unaware of how the resourceful admin was able to gain entry into the closed photo shoot and as for Melanie she’s not telling.

Giants staff and personnel on site described the scene as chaotic. Ronnie Barnes., Giants medical VP and Head athletic trainer gave the following account.

“It was crazy. Barkley was doing this truck tire flip for the cameras and this crazy blonde lady came running out of nowhere. She went straight for his booty and gave it the biggest pinch I’ve ever seen! Barkley was startled and gave out this yelp and dropped the tire. Lucky it missed his foot by inches or he might’ve missed preseason.”

Authorities rushed in and grabbed Ms. Hazer who was charged with Pinching without Consent.

After being bailed out by fellow No Mercy admin Mark Wilson reporters asked for a statement from Melanie who would grin and only say: “The judge can fine me whatever he wants - it was worth it!”

Associated Mess reporting.

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