This just in: Scrato is the besto

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Researches claim: Scrato literally cannot stop being the besto.
What or who, is Scrat, and how besto is he?
Scrato has been discovered mid 1995 - on a cold day. Instantly, he brought warmth all around him. But, it wasnt until 2015, literally 20 years later, that he shown his best shine yet.
''I was on steam.'' - Remembers Zozo. ''And suddenly , this Scrato just starts warming my butt. Ive literally never felt better, he is literally the best omg.''
She concluded this is best thing that has ever happened, and a reason her butt is so warm to this day. ''LOL, sometimes its hard to sit!'' -Zozo often jokes.
Where did this magnificent happy Scrat come from and...why? Nobody knows. But one thing is for sure - he never stops being the best.
''No end in sight'' - says our famous head researcher on Scrat phenomenon.

This is a satirical website. Don't take it Seriously. It's a joke.

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