Turns Out MSG Isn’t as Bad as We Thought

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Are one of the many people who go out of your way to avoid monosodium glutamate a.k.a. MSG? Turns out, not only is it nearly impossible to avoid, but it also is completely safe to eat.
After months of research scientists have come to the conclusion that MSG isn’t actually bad for you.
Here’s the gist: MSG stands for monosodium glutamate, and it essentially pumps up foods’ umami flavor — that strong, savory flavor in fare such as parmesan cheese and mushrooms. It’s a version of something called glutamic acid, an amino acid found in protein-rich foods like meats, milk, cheese, and even some vegetables. Our own bodies produce glutamic acid while we’re metabolizing the food we consume, and can’t even tell the difference between the naturally occurring variety and the sodium version we call MSG.
Grab those MSG packed snacks and get to guilt free munching!

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