Live Unicorn Spotted Outside of Millitary Complex in Kiruna
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Yesterday at the Kiruna Millitary Base in Kiruna, a thought to be mythical animal was spotted. General Wileder, the base’s leader claims, “I was walking around the bend for my night shift when I saw it. At first I thought that it was simply a pony; we have a lot around here. But, I soon noticed a very peculiar object that came out of its forehead.” Wileder apparently reported this to his comrades, who managed to capture the animal after taking a photograph of it. Scientists believe this newfound specimen is decended from the peculiar narwhal, the lone survivor of the Jagljuger family. Apparently, the entire horse family was decended from a certain type of water horse, called the Tamoa. The Tamoa was a certain mix of a dolphin, horse, and fish. Over time, this creature split into two breeds, the Tameo, with a horn, and the Tamwi, without one. In light of this brilliant discovery, the Swedish government has sent their most specialized scientists, such as Dr. Mai Bruneze. Bruneze told me, “I believe this discovery will truly unlock the potential certain mythical beings like this one have. Many people don’t believe in them, but I truly believe we may also find others.” We don’t know about any mermaids discovered yet, but we too have faith in this newfound species!
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