BREAKING NEWS: lotto prank gone viral, gives sisters laughs and giggles!!
This is a satirical website. Don't take it Seriously. It's a joke.
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A little less than a week ago, Sharmarie Foytik from Goldthwaite Tx made a fake "FAKE" headline news article, stating that her sister Misti Snodgrass won $14.25 million on lottery, within 2 days Misti received over 100 friends request, and numerous private messages telling her Congrats; a prank that only started as just it a PRANK has made her sister facebook famous, we at KDNU (kid-n-u) News talked with Misti shortly over the phone, and she gave us a statment saying "only in my dreams did Inwin the lottery, but if winning the lottery draws this much attention, stick me under a bridge with a tent and blanket, I'd rather be dirt poor than live in the highlights" . We have spoken to the Texas lottery commision, and they back her story, the person with the winning ticket has NOT came forward! Misti asked us to tell you to please share this to let everyone know, SHE DID NOT WIN THE LOTTO!!
This is a satirical website. Don't take it Seriously. It's a joke.