This is a satirical website. Don't take it Seriously. It's a joke.

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Renegade News 2017
On ESPN. This morning in a series of tweets, POTUS took it to the next level in his ongoing beef with the sports channel owned by the Disney Corp. Bored by trying to fix healthcare, the threat of a nuclear armed North Korea, a look at gun control in light of the recent Vegas killing, - Trump set his gaze on what really matters; insulting people on tweeter. It follows:
ESPN=losers!! I insult you daily! You ignore me! The president of this beautiful country will Not Be Ignored!!!! !

I formally declare a war with you on Tweeter!! I am the tweetingest tweeter this world has ever known. You stand no chance, losers! ... Losers!!

ESPN responded
We accept your challenge and we won't even allow Jemelle Hill to handle our light work such as yourself.

You are a course, crude, inarticulate, incompetent waste of good air (most scientists indicate the air is getting warmer, but not you).

You look like a worn-out baseball glove wearing a bird's-nest as a hat. If there was surgery to remove your brain and transplant it into a gnat, it would fly backwards.

Whooo. Round One to ESPN.

This is a satirical website. Don't take it Seriously. It's a joke.

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