Trump signs executive order to activate the draft
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Today President Trump activated the draft in preparation of a potential nuclear conflict with North Korea. All men and women from 17 to 35 years old are required to register for the draft within 2 weeks of today. There will be no exceptions for college students, only children, wealthy families, or politician's children. "We must all be prepared no matter what our political beliefs to counter the threat of nuclear strikes by North Korea. North Korea is going to fire a hydrogen bomb into the Pacific Ocean. We expect an EMP event will cripple at least half of the United States. It is the duty of every American citizen to prepare for war. " the president stated simply when questioned by the New York Times on this new controversial executive order. Maxine Waters held a press conference threatening to impeach Trump for threatening to draft African-Americans as a blatantly racist move she says will kill large numbers of her voters. "He can't draft African-Americans This is blatantly racist as we are required to keep African-Americans here at home. Only white people should fight in a white president's war. War is a primary cause of death in a war and African-Americans already have too high of a death rate." She continued. As expected this executive order is split down partisan lines as far as support or opposition. Key democrats have said love and understanding and job fairs are key to defeating Kim Jong Il in his nuclear ambitions. Meanwhile Republicans have said they will not rule out a nuclear response.
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