A 14-year-old from the state of Massachusetts has been suspected of Multiple Crimes

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A 14-year-old from the state of Massachusetts has been suspected of Multiple Crimes

A 14-year-old from the state of Massachusetts has been arrested on 7 counts of arson, 9 counts vehicular manslaughter, 4 counts of murder in the first degree, 2 in the second degree, 14 in the third degree, 79 charges in homicide related incidents, 15 counts of disorderly conduct, 19 counts of possession of an illegal substance with the intent to distribute, 5 counts of animal abuse, 8 counts of embezzlement, 3 counts of fraud, 12 counts of tax fraud, 10 counts of tax evasion, 17 counts of insurance fraud, 55 counts of aggravated assault, 20 accounts of public indecency, 21 counts of assault and battery, 39 failed attempts at committing a crime, 98 charges for bribery, 102 counts of burglary, 7 counts of child abandonment, 57 accounts of credit/debit card fraud, 46 accounts of forgery, 82 accounts of domestic violence, 56 counts of cyberbullying, 44 counts of DUI, 99 counts of drug trafficking, 31 counts of identity theft, 73 counts of hate crimes, 11 counts of kidnapping, 61 accounts of money laundering, 42 accounts of perjury, 67 accounts of probation, 271 counts of running pyramid schemes, 92 counts of racketeering, 80 accounts of shoplifting, 78 accounts of solicitation, 87 accounts of stalking, 94 accounts of vandalism, and 465 accounts of conspiring against elected officials/the federal and state governments. The suspect is currently being held on bail for $99.99 plus shipping and handling. Unmarked bills are required.

This is a satirical website. Don't take it Seriously. It's a joke.

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