The perfect resemblance for Horace Horsecollar from Mickey mouse found :) nah thats just the title the para's actually got many compliments.

This is a satirical website. Don't take it Seriously. It's a joke.

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Hello hello hello! yea i'm just gonna stick to hey
So well before you start reading this article, know that the most talented news reporter (me) didn't use any thesaurus for this at all
well to anyone and everyone reading this article, its about the most amazing guy to have ever this planet (little too cheesy huh?). this guy (refer to the image of the character that i did a lot of research on and well his new haircut makes him look like that, in the good way obviously so yea refer to it) walks around w giant ass feet and a large forehead and well manages to make those two things so fucking amazing its incredible. he's so- this article has nothing to do w the fact that his girlfriend (again me) thinks she doesn't put in effort or that she's been acting strange so well the guy should feel free to tell her she isn't being strange and weird sa effort :) but he's the most amazing person anyone can ever meet, he's funny, smart, looks amazing, has a disarming fucking smile (disarming's perfect btw), you meet him, talk to him, spend bus rides eavesdropping on everything he says (yes i'm creepy), text him on outlook, listen to him crack amazingly funny jokes in LA bc believe me when i say he's got a sense of humour (still fucking think of that porque and por que thingy you said in LA whenever i write that in any fucking paper dude), spend world scholar's cup w him in the same team, get deadly death stares from him during scholar's bowl and well i guarantee you, you'll fall for him..really hard. i mean why won't you or how won't you, this is the same guy you can spend 10 mins with, standing under the sun while the entire middle school stares (still think our kiss ka memory was more memorable but hey this is bout you so i'll go w the PE assembly cs you for some reason loved the freaking embarrassment), the guy you can arm wrestle w and manage to win every single time no matter what, the same guy who would dare to thumb fight w you knowing you've applied layers of sunscreen, this guy is fucking special and man are you gonna be lucky if you just get to throw water on him once and make him freeze in the bus. sure, its the same guy who won't stop mentioning tia and as annoying as that is, its just hard to not talk him its the same freaking guy who could actually make the greatest-not-at-all-sensitive-amazing girl upset (still not saying i cried that day and c'mon i know u think i'm a cry baby and all but believe me it requires a lot to make me cry so well yea so yea). so just know that this person is freaking amazing and one special guy you're gonna wanna know, i mean could any other guy forget how he asked a person out? oh well he can. HE FUCKING CAN. he's one of a guy and believe me when i say, HE'S PERFECT.

This is a satirical website. Don't take it Seriously. It's a joke.

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