Theresa May begs for Second referendum!

This is a satirical website. Don't take it Seriously. It's a joke.

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It is said that Theresa May is currently having an EU council meeting with Jean-Claude Junker and the other 27 Member state leaders, Theresa May arrived at the meeting at around 22:45 and major talks are already being held.

Theresa May is begging the EU for a revocation of article 50 and is said to make a statement at around 2:20am tomorrow morning, Parliament will then have a vote on wether to revoke article 50 and have a second referendum, only if the 28 member states can agree!

It is said that Italy, Spain and Belgium will vote against it leaving Theresa May with no other Brexit option and a snap election could be called by early Wednesday evening.

A snap election would mean a longer extension and more negotiations, the UK will then take part in EU elections for the next 2 years and Jeremy Corbyn has high possibilities of becoming Prime Minister.
Jeremy Corbyn could then get an high enough majority to then pass a softer brexit leaving us in the Single market and customs union.

This is a satirical website. Don't take it Seriously. It's a joke.

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