The Silent Invasion --- No prank

This is a satirical website. Don't take it Seriously. It's a joke.

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There is a serious question from Asians.
Remember this question is no prank and non-fiction!!!
Do you think the United States of Mexico (former name: the United States of America) can keep taking the leadership of the earth after Mexican-led Hispanic take control of the US from white Americans in the near future?
Through we Asians' objective analysis, it is clear that right now in the US, at least 20 Mexico-led Hispanic people increase while one white person increases. It is only a matter of time before Mexican-led Hispanic take control of the US from white Americans. When I was staying in California in 2016-2017, I have talked with many Mexican-led Hispanic people such as America-born Mexican Americans, Mexican immigrants and even illegal Mexican immigrants. As I deeply talk with them, what surprised me is that most of them told me that they want to confiscate white Americans' personal assets and redistribute wealth when they take control of the US because most of Mexican-led Hispanic people are poor, and most of white Americans are much richer than them. To add to my surprise, many than them. To add to my surprise, many Mexican-led Hispanic guys told me that they are going to push white American men to Canada and force white American girls to stay here and offer sexual services. We Asians still cannot understand why white American girls are so sexually desirable for Mexican-led Hispanic guys. Additionally, some of Mexican-led Hispanic people told me that they want not only the whole of America but also Canada, and after they occupy the US, they are going to occupy Canada like how they occupied the US. To be honest, we Asians do not care which race take control of the US, white Americans or Mexican-led Hispanic. We are only interested in whether or not the United States of Mexico (former name: the United States of America) can keep taking the leadership of the earth after Mexican-led Hispanic take control of the US from white Americans in the near future. Anyway, The silent invasion of the US by Mexican-led Hispanic makes us Asians wonder.

This is a satirical website. Don't take it Seriously. It's a joke.

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