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Multi-Millionaire Jackson Dangote is on his way to divorce court early this morning,
Dangote is the son of Aliko Dangtoe, jackson is a man who built his fortune on several commodities. And who is a very outspoken democrat is in the middle of an ugly divorce.
Jackson Dangote was seeking to annul his marriage and protect his fortune with an unusual argument, stating that his soon to be estranged ex- wife of 3 years Deborah E. Watson, Of Atlanta, Georgia was already married to another man in 1981 and that she committed bigotry during the time when the two married in 1982 in Negril Jamaica.
Jackson claimed that Watson had been married before to someone else in Guam.
"Dangote are trying to position her as some sort of fraud or liar" stated one of Watson's Lawyers Jeff Palmer, that's a ridiculous claim Hodges told MSNBC, Only after Mrs Dangote stood up for herself and said that she wanted a divorce, Dangote response were to use the most outrageous cutthroat tactics that he could conjour up, to try to deny her of any rights to their 3 years of marriage and avoid the responsibilities that he now owes to her.
But according to Detective Evander Nejames of the CPD in Chicago, stated that investigators have found no evidences or proof of a marriage
That shows Watson has ever been married in Guam to anyone.
Dangote had added that his wife
Deborah Watson admitted to him and claimed that the records had been destroyed in a
Office fire in Guam. But Jackson Dangote said that his office confirmed that the clerk's office in Guam had never burned down.
"We found that Dangote credibility has been an issue from the very beginning stated Palmer"
However we found Deborah Watson and now knows where she is, Watson is living a recluse life Nejames told us, and
She has been for years. She's under a smokescreen and it's nothing more than an effort to hideout and get away from all of this and past life with her ex husband jackson.
She left her multi millionaire husband during 1984 and divorced him in 1989 Quietly. Even though Watson was still married to him at the time of her divorce, she met and became engaged to one Homer L. Chunn, a local forklift driver for a company call Frank G. Lakes in Atlanta, Georgia.
We learned later that Watson married Chunn in January of 1996, and again in 2004. She decided to sue her ex-husband Dangote in 89, for cheating throughout their entire marriage
With the facts and evidence that Dangote fathered a son while he was still married to her.
In 2004 she was granted a "whooping $42 million lawsuit, but the case stalled and lingered for years due to Dangote constant repeals. Watson's lawyers at the time Michael R Stillwell and along with William P. Howard
Came in and hammered the case and now has won Watson over $100mil in damages, along with Slander and pain and suffering that Jackson Dangote has caused her throughout their Marriage.
This is a satirical website. Don't take it Seriously. It's a joke.