Jackson County Man faces hard time.Police say its the biggest bust in Jackson County.High quanities of the substance containing "TBDFT" is found making its way through streets of Edna.Witness comes foward says "Its been going on for years." they claim.
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Earlier today in Jackson County A man was found to be in position of a controlled substance.Upon inspecting the substance they realized its high fine grade quality.The street value is estimated to be very high in value and will not be released.Due to the its source is high on the wanted level FBI is now investigating.Upon inspecting the "47 bricks' the controlled substance inside test positive for chemical "TBDFT". TBDFT is what is most desirable in this time of year and is bought in high quanities.TBDFT is other wise known as THE BEST DAMN FUCKING TAMALES....Haha you read all that shit lmfao..
This is a satirical website. Don't take it Seriously. It's a joke.